§ 53A-1-606.6. Benchmark assessments in reading -- Report to parent or guardian.  

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section:
    (a) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
    (b) "Competency" means a demonstrable acquisition of a specified knowledge, skill, or ability that has been organized into a hierarchical arrangement leading to higher levels of knowledge, skill, or ability.
    (2) The board shall approve a benchmark assessment for use statewide by school districts and charter schools to assess the reading competency of students in grades one, two, and three as provided by this section.
    (3) A school district or charter school shall:
    (a) administer benchmark assessments to students in grades one, two, and three at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year using the benchmark assessment approved by the board; and
    (b) after administering a benchmark assessment, report the results to a student's parent or guardian.
    (4) If a benchmark assessment or supplemental reading assessment indicates a student lacks competency in a reading skill, or is lagging behind other students in the student's grade in acquiring a reading skill, the school district or charter school shall:
    (a) provide focused individualized intervention to develop the reading skill;
    (b) administer formative assessments to measure the success of the focused intervention;
    (c) inform the student's parent or guardian of activities that the parent or guardian may engage in with the student to assist the student in improving reading proficiency; and
    (d) provide information to the parent or guardian regarding appropriate interventions available to the student outside of the regular school day that may include tutoring, before and after school programs, or summer school.
Amended by Chapter 466, 2013 General Session